Breast cancer is a type of cancer killer of two Indonesian women after cervical cancer (cancer of the mouth or neck of the uterus). Therefore this disease needs to watch out. Detect this disease early will increase the likelihood of living sufferers. Does being a woman could be immune to breast cancer? What should be done to prevent it?
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the abnormal cell growth in breast tissue person. When you have reached an advanced stage, lifting the breast is sometimes done for the safety of patients. This certainly becomes something frightening for a woman.
Almost all cancers have a specific cause. For example the majority of cases of skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun. While lung cancer caused by smoking. But there is no single definitive cause for breast cancer.
Several factors could be the cause of breast cancer. For example genetic factors, environmental, and hormones may contribute to breast cancer. Women are vulnerable to this factor may have a higher risk.
Breast Cancer Risk Factors
No one knows for sure what causes breast cancer. Based on statistical results, most breast cancer patients are women with age above 50 years. This means that the older a person, then the chances of this disease is growing. Another factor that affects the family history. If there are families who suffer from this disease like a mother or siblings the greater the chances. Breast cancer can also be caused by previous cancer in other organs that spread to the breast. Or if there is a history of previous cancer in other organs.
Another thing that can trigger cancer is lifestyle. Often consume foods that contain chemicals or are carcinogens, alcohol, or smoking.
Preventing Breast Cancer
One of the breast cancer prevention is a healthy diet. An estimated one out of three cases of breast cancer due to dietary factors. A good diet that will help maintain your body's immune system and preventing disease is the most powerful. Although not known any food that can cure cancer, eating certain foods and reducing certain other foods can be a preventative action.
Fiber-rich foods, can help reduce levels of prolactin and estrogen, possibly by attaching themselves to these hormones and threw out the body. This can further suppress the phase of carcinogenesis (cancer formation). In addition, reducing the saturated fat diet may reduce the risk. Soybean and fermented soy products without can inhibit tumor growth.
Vegetables rich in vitamin A, like carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, and vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and spring greens, may help. Vitamin A prevents the formation of cancer-causing mutations. As for fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Early Detection
The emergence of a lump in the breast area may be an indication of the possibility of a type of breast cancer. But not all lumps mean cancer because they have to be examined further for certainty in the hospital or doctor.
Another indication of this disease is a lump in the armpit, breast pain, change in color or texture in the breasts, nipples are interested in, the areola (the area around the nipple-colored milk chocolate), or on the nipple. In some cases, breast cancer detected from discharge from the nipple yellowish, greenish, or pus.
The key to survival is to detect breast cancer early, before he has a chance to spread. One cause of high mortality from this disease due to lack of awareness to detect symptoms that exist. Generally after arriving at the complaints that weight, a new patient consults a doctor who often means the cancer is in advanced stage. Therefore, when the disease has reached an advanced stage, it will be difficult to heal.
Breast Self-Check
In order for society, especially women can perform breast examinations on a regular basis, then made a movement called Sadari or Sarari which stands for "Breast Self Check". It is recommended that the examination was performed 1 month after the period of about 4-7 days after menstruation.
In this examination, the things done are:
• Standing in front of the mirror with your shoulders straight and your hands on her hips. See if there are physical changes in your breasts, such as changes in shape, size or color of the breasts.
• Raise both hands up and consider again whether there is a physical change in the breast that look.
• Click the nipple and see if there is discharge from the nipple.
• Lie down and touch the right breast with his left hand and so on. Create a pattern of play and feel what a lump in the breast and others.
• When sitting or standing try to massage the breasts to find out whether there is a suspicious lump. Around the armpit area to the stomach to check.
Be aware of the movement can be made by the spouse to his wife. Or the husband can remind her to do a regular Realize. The role of the family can facilitate the detection of this disease.
If you Hit Breast Cancer
When someone was diagnosed with breast cancer, most patients will immediately be emotionally devastated. They feel a death sentence, even though the patient may be cured even more so when still in the early stages. In advanced stages, emotional and psychological impact can cause a depressed cancer patients. This can aggravate the situation. For that, need the support of the family or friends.
Breast cancer patients should tell their family or friends because people need the support of the people closest to the emotional aftermath she experienced. Is normal if the patient does not want to tell family or friends about their illness. The reason is because they do not want to bother or make the people who heard the sad or worried. However, imagine the opposite situation, when you are not informed by the family or your close friends that he was suffering from cancer, would you be more upset because you do not know and might not provide the required assistance.
Friend is someone who lives closest and you can talk to find the best treatment and the impact that may be experienced. Breast cancer patients may feel inferior to the situation so as to affect the marital relationship. Instead, it is also discussed with your husband to be understood and can provide assistance by giving a hug or other endearment.
The children are young may not understand what was happening. However, if your child has to talk to, you can tell with a simple language what is meant by breast cancer and the effects that might happen to you physically as a result of chemotherapy, hair loss or changes in the breast. It is important that children who are innocent do not get the wrong information from people who are not responsible for what can make them fear or hate you or feel that what you experience from their mistakes.
Not all friends or family who are not too close to be notified if you feel uncomfortable to pass. You also do not need to respond to the comments given by friends, family or anyone else who knows your illness. There is always the positive comments and negative. So, it's not excessive to consider that can damage your body's endurance.
To add to the spirit, you can join a group of fellow breast cancer sufferers. In Indonesia, Indonesia Cancer Foundation can accommodate these needs. In this group, they can give the spirit and confidence so you can recover. The stories of other patients may be able to make you feel your condition is better. Or stories from other people determined to fight the disease and can get the healing can help you gain the strength to not give in to circumstances.
So, remain eager to fight your disease. If any family member or friend suffering from a tumor or breast cancer, you can provide the necessary support for knowing their sufferings. They can help support their recovery.