Cervical cancer is one cancer the most common for women. Every one hour, one woman died in Indonesia due to cervical cancer or cervical cancer this. The fact is that millions of women in the world infected with HPV, which is considered a disease through sexual relations most common in the world.
In Indonesia, every one hour, one woman died of cervical cancer
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this infection is the major risk factor for cervical cancer. Every year, hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed cases of HPV in the world and thousands of women died of cervical cancer, caused by the infection. Given the fact that this horrible, the various measures of prevention and treatment have been made to address cervical cancer or cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer occurs in the reproductive organs of a woman. The cervix is the narrow section at the bottom between the vagina and uterus of a woman. In part this is happening and where the growth of cervical cancer. What causes cervical cancer or cervical cancer? How do I prevent it? And how to handle it if it is infected with HPV?
Cervical cancer caused by HPV infection (human papillomavirus) or human papilloma virus. HPV cause warts in men and women, including genital warts, called condyloma akuminatum. Only a few of the hundreds of variants of HPV that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer can occur if an infection that does not heal for a long time. In contrast, most HPV infections will go away, overcome by the immune system.
Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Attack cervical cancer or cervical area of the cervix caused by HPV infection (human papillomavirus) that do not heal in a long time. If the immune system decreases, the HPV infection will be acute and can lead to cervical cancer. The symptoms did not appear at an early stage, which is why cervical cancer that starts from HPV infection is considered as "The Silent Killer".
Some symptoms can be observed although not always an indication of HPV infection. Whitish or spend a little blood after intercourse is little sign of symptoms of this cancer. In addition, a yellowish liquid that smells in the genital area can also be an indication of HPV infection. This virus can be transmitted from one patient to another and infect the person. Transmission can be through direct contact and because of sex.
When there is virus in a person's hand, then touching the genital area, the virus will move and can infect your cervix area. Another transmission method is in the closet in a public restroom that was contaminated by the virus. A cancer patient may use a closet, the HPV virus in patients who have moved to the closet. If you use it without cleaning it, the virus could then move into your genital area.
Bad lifestyle can be a supporting increased numbers of this cancer. Smoking, lack of vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid may be the cause. If the consume nutritious foods will make the immune system can drive up and HPV virus.
Risk of cervical cancer is an active woman having sex since very early age, which frequently change sex partners, or who have sex with a man who changed partner. Another causative factor is the Pill for a long time or come from families who have a history of cancer.
Often times, a man who showed no symptoms of HPV infection that is spread it to their partner. A man who had sex with a woman who suffered from cervical cancer, will be a media virus carriers. Furthermore, when this man having sex with his wife, the virus was able to move and infect his wife.
Detection of Cervical Cancer
How do I detect that a woman infected with HPV that cause cervical cancer? Symptoms of a person infected with HPV are not visible and not easily observed. The easiest way to find out by doing cervical cytological examination. These checks currently popular with a Pap smear or Papanicolaou smear taken from a Greek doctor who discovered this method of George N. Papanicolaou. However, there are also many other methods for early detection of HPV infection and cervical cancer as follows:
IVA is an abbreviation of Visual Inspection with Acetic acid. Method of examination with cervical smear or cervix with acetic acid. Then observed if there are abnormalities such as white areas. If no color change, then there can be no infection in the cervix. You can make the health center with a relatively cheap price. This can be done only for early detection. If you see any suspicious signs, the other detection methods are more to be done.
• Pap smear
Pap smear testing methods that doctors commonly use a scraper or brush to remove a small sample of cervical cells. Then these cells will be analyzed in the laboratory. The test can reveal whether there is infection, inflammation, or abnormal cells. According to the world, with a regular Pap smear tests have reduced the number of deaths due to cervical cancer.
• Colposcopy
If all the test results on the previous method showed an infection or irregularities, colposcopy procedure will be done by using a tool equipped with a magnifying lens to observe the infected part. The goal was to determine whether there is a lesion or abnormal tissue in the cervix or cervix. If there is an abnormal, a biopsy (taking a small amount of tissue from the body) made and treatment for cervical cancer begin.
Treating Cervical Cancer
If infected with HPV, do not worry, because today is the various ways of treatment that can control HPV infection. Some treatments aim to kill the cells that contain the HPV virus. Another way is to remove the damaged or infected with electric surgery, laser surgery, or cryosurgery (remove the abnormal tissue by freezing).
If cervical cancer has reached an advanced stage, it will be chemotherapy treatment. In some severe cases a hysterectomy may also be of a hysterectomy or a total content. The aim is to remove cells that have cervical cancer develop in the body.
However, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, how to prevent infection with HPV and cervical cancer? Here are some ways you can do to prevent cervical cancer.
Preventing Cervical Cancer
Although cervical cancer scary, but we all can prevent it. You can do a lot of precautionary measures before ultimately infected with HPV and cervical cancer. Some practical ways you can do in everyday life include:
• Have a healthy diet, rich in vegetables, fruit and cereal to stimulate the immune system. For example consuming various carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, and folic acid can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
• Avoid smoking. Much evidence indicates the use of tobacco can increase the risk of cervical cancer.
• Avoid sex before marriage or at a very young age or a dozen years.
• Avoid having sex during menstrual period proved effective to prevent and inhibit the formation and development of cervical cancer.
• Avoid having sex with many partners.
• Routine Pap smear tests regularly. We have a Pap smear test can be done even at the level of affordable health center.
• Alternative Pap smear test is a test IVA with a cheaper cost of Pap smears. The goal for the early detection of HPV infection.
• Provision of HPV vaccine or vaccination to prevent HPV infection.
• Perform intimate organs or vagina known as a toilet. This can be done alone or can be also with the help of expert doctors. The goal is to clean the female sex organs of filth and disease.
Healthy Living Without Cervical Cancer.
Cervical cancer can be prevented and treated. Early detection and routine Pap smears done to minimize the risk of cervical cancer. Change your lifestyle and your diet to avoid a disease that killed many women in this world. Thus, the health of the cervix or the cervix is more secure. With proper treatment, cervical cancer is not something frightening.
Dec 24, 2009
Dec 18, 2009

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, or in Indonesian language is often called Eden which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA or of Eden is the genetic material contained in the body of every person who inherited from their parents. DNA present in the cell nucleus in the structure of chromosomes and the mitochondria.
Function as a blueprint that serves as the code for each man as to hair color, eye shape, face shape, skin color, and others. Introduction of the DNA structure was introduced by Francis Crick, a British scientist and James Watson from the United States in 1953.
DNA structure to facilitate what we understand as DNA, you try to think of a sentence. The sentence is composed of several words. And every word is formed from some alphabet. In other words, the alphabet is a basic element of many languages. A similar principle can be applied to DNA. At the molecular level, "alphabet" of DNA provided by the primary. What amazing is that the "alphabet" consists only of four letters A, C, G, and T, which is a symbol of the chemical bases adenine, cytosine (cytosine), guanine, and thymine. These compounds form an exclusive bond, in which adenine is always paired with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine.
The shape of the DNA double helix is like the one with the meeting. DNA consists of 4 base pairs A, C, G, and T which are chemical components that contain nitrogen. The sequence of bases in the DNA molecule is the determining genetic information contained in it. In short, this sequence determines almost everything about you, from hair color, skin color, to shape your nose.
Every human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of sex determining chromosomes. XX chromosomes determine the sex of a person with a female and XY for a man who sex male. Chromosome is obtained from the parents, half from the mother and half from the father.
DNA test
On mitochondrial DNA known as mitochondrial DNA obtained from the mothers overall. Test by taking one's mitochondrial DNA could identify whether someone has a family relationship with the family of the mother or the maternal family relationships. Way by comparing the mitochondrial DNA that has a biological mother, grandmother or siblings from the mother.
Because a mother fully lowered mitochondrial DNA to her son, what about fathers? A father will inherit a Y chromosome in her son (because the Y chromosome has only male XY sex chromosomes). While girls do not have Y chromosomes (XX female sex chromosome).
To prove the family's relationship with his father's side can be done by comparing the Y chromosomes of a child with her biological father or the brother of the father. Because the Y chromosome examination only for boys, then how to do DNA tests on a girl?
DNA testing is done by taking DNA from somatic chromosomes. Ties of DNA in the somatic almost the same in every person from serving form and function of organs. Sequence errors can cause interference with the human in question. But at the core of these cells also have the area known as the area of STR (short tandem repeats). This area does not give the code to do something.
STR is what is unique because it is different for each person. The difference lies in the sequence of base pairs generated and the sequence repetition STR. AGACC sequence will be different with someone who has a string of AGACT. So is the order of repetition that is unique. STR pattern is inherited from parents.
How do DNA test?
In this example is a DNA test to prove whether a child really is the biological child of a husband and wife. How to check the DNA tests done by taking the child STR. Furthermore, the laboratory will be analyzed this sequence string STR same whether the order with someone who made the pattern of a child. The order is not the only one because the examination is continued by looking at the number of chromosomes.
For example, a child's examination found that the chromosome number 3 has a sequence repetition AGACT with 2 times. When the father or mother who claimed his biological parents also have the same loop on the same chromosome number, it can be concluded between the 2 people that have family connections.
A person can be said to have a blood relationship if you have 16 STR is equal to her birth family. When the order and repetition of the same, then the two people who checked has ties siblings or close blood relations. This amount is quite small compared to the overall bonding in the spiral of our bodies, amounting to billions.
DNA tests done by taking a little part of your body to compare with other people. Parts that can be taken to check the hair, saliva, urine, vagina fluid, semen, blood and other body tissues. This sample will not change one's lifetime. The use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not change the structure of DNA. The results of DNA tests will be run from a new patient can be 2-4 weeks. The cost required for DNA tests this time around 7 to 8 million rupiah.
Benefits of DNA testing
DNA testing has now become a trend to prove the link one's blood relations. Given the many infidelities and free sex, has produced many children who questioned the origin of their parents. Because of that, many couples do DNA tests to prove the origin of these children were born.
Even in some countries, many DNA testing clinics. Many also are using DNA tests because of suspicion against her partner. Some people leave personal items owned by his partner to the clinic to be tested whether the spouses connect with others who are not spouses.
In the police, DNA testing is also used for forensic tests. DNA testing is the most accurate evidence to test a person identification than fingerprints. With DNA testing, police can provide authentic evidence of the bodies that have been destroyed, provided that tissue samples can be taken on these corpses.
In addition to detect family relationships, DNA testing also serves to detect a particular disease until the disease is complex. With a DNA test to know the cause of a disease that is much less hereditary.
Technological advances have made more new things to learn. DNA is now the tests identify the most accurate and reliable. Information about the DNA tests on the hope to help you know more closer to the process.
Dec 9, 2009
10 Tips for Better Sleep
Getting a full night's sleep is as important to good health as maintaining a proper diet and getting enough exercise. Yet a third of Americans get less than 6 ½ hours of sleep each night - much less the recommended 7-8 hours.
Lack of sleep is associated with an inflammation causing increase of cytokine molecules. Long term insomnia leads to chronic inflammation. This significantly increases the risk of hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.
Scary health consequences aside, we simply feel better after we get a good night's rest. So here are 10 tips you can use right away to improve your odds of getting to sleep faster and staying asleep longer.
1) Avoid caffeine late in the day. Caffeine affects your body up to 8 hours, so switch to decaf or herbal teas after lunch. Watch out for caffeinated drinks like sodas and hot chocolate too.
2) Exercise earlier - at least 45 minutes to an hour before bedtime. Exercise is important and will help you obtain a more restful sleep, but your body needs time to wind down.
3) Avoid drinking before bedtime. Give your body at least an hour to eliminate excess fluids. Otherwise you're more likely to wake for a midnight bathroom run to empty your bladder.
4) Stick to a schedule so your body can get into a routine. Keep the same bedtime and waking routine even on non-work days for improved sleep quality.
5) Skip long naps as they can throw off your sleep cycle. Power naps of 15-20 minutes are better.
6) Find your best sleep position. Back sleep is recommended as the most stable position for the spine. Placing a pillow under your legs can reduce lower back stress. If you prefer sleeping on your side, try placing a pillow between your legs for better hip support and comfort. Experiment to find what helps you get the best night's sleep without waking up sore.
7) Use the right size and number of pillows. Your head and neck should maintain a roughly straight line while you sleep. Your head should not be propped up or tilted down at an angle.
8) Dress (or undress) for comfort so heat or cold won't keep you awake or prevent you from sleeping through the night.
9) Keep your room dark. Turn off the lights, close the curtains, even cover electronic lights if you have to. If you must use a TV or radio to fall asleep, use the sleep timer.
10) Eat a "sleepy snack" such as turkey, yogurt, ice cream, or peanuts. These all have high levels of tryptophan which helps your body produce serotonin and relax for sleep – but eat them an hour before bed.
Bonus sleep tip!
When all else fails, many will try sleeping pills which can lead to drug dependence. Try using a safer and non-habit forming herbal sleep aid instead which won't leave you feeling drugged out in the morning.
About the Author
Jesse Cannone is co-founder of the Healthy Back Institute and author of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure". Get the facts on what's realling causing your pain here http://www.losethebackpain.com/conditions
Lack of sleep is associated with an inflammation causing increase of cytokine molecules. Long term insomnia leads to chronic inflammation. This significantly increases the risk of hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.
Scary health consequences aside, we simply feel better after we get a good night's rest. So here are 10 tips you can use right away to improve your odds of getting to sleep faster and staying asleep longer.
1) Avoid caffeine late in the day. Caffeine affects your body up to 8 hours, so switch to decaf or herbal teas after lunch. Watch out for caffeinated drinks like sodas and hot chocolate too.
2) Exercise earlier - at least 45 minutes to an hour before bedtime. Exercise is important and will help you obtain a more restful sleep, but your body needs time to wind down.
3) Avoid drinking before bedtime. Give your body at least an hour to eliminate excess fluids. Otherwise you're more likely to wake for a midnight bathroom run to empty your bladder.
4) Stick to a schedule so your body can get into a routine. Keep the same bedtime and waking routine even on non-work days for improved sleep quality.
5) Skip long naps as they can throw off your sleep cycle. Power naps of 15-20 minutes are better.
6) Find your best sleep position. Back sleep is recommended as the most stable position for the spine. Placing a pillow under your legs can reduce lower back stress. If you prefer sleeping on your side, try placing a pillow between your legs for better hip support and comfort. Experiment to find what helps you get the best night's sleep without waking up sore.
7) Use the right size and number of pillows. Your head and neck should maintain a roughly straight line while you sleep. Your head should not be propped up or tilted down at an angle.
8) Dress (or undress) for comfort so heat or cold won't keep you awake or prevent you from sleeping through the night.
9) Keep your room dark. Turn off the lights, close the curtains, even cover electronic lights if you have to. If you must use a TV or radio to fall asleep, use the sleep timer.
10) Eat a "sleepy snack" such as turkey, yogurt, ice cream, or peanuts. These all have high levels of tryptophan which helps your body produce serotonin and relax for sleep – but eat them an hour before bed.
Bonus sleep tip!
When all else fails, many will try sleeping pills which can lead to drug dependence. Try using a safer and non-habit forming herbal sleep aid instead which won't leave you feeling drugged out in the morning.
About the Author
Jesse Cannone is co-founder of the Healthy Back Institute and author of "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure". Get the facts on what's realling causing your pain here http://www.losethebackpain.com/conditions
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